
Trello formatting help
Trello formatting help

Once there, choose the first option under Select A Schedule, which says Every Day. Currently, it only works on a schedule*, so you need to open Butler from either the top of your board or your board's menu and navigate to the Calendar tab on the left. This is how your Report knows when to run. Make sure you've got some caffeine and time on hand to see this through. This is not going to be a short tutorial.

trello formatting help

We're going to touch on some advanced features of Butler outside of Reports, as well-such as arithmetic within variables-so even if you're not sure Reports are for you, I'm convinced everyone will learn something today. Our report's end result will be a daily email that lists the cards due today, as well as each day for the next week. This article is here to help! We'll create your very first Report, together, so you can experience all of the bits and pieces necessary to fully utilize this amazing new Butler feature. Writing a report involves setting up Variables, formatting content, and deciding which content to pull. Because of its mighty abilities, however, getting a Report set up properly is not the easiest feat.

trello formatting help

And that's just the tip of the iceberg!Ĭlearly, this is an incredibly powerful and useful addition to Butler. Examples might be getting an email each morning with the cards due today, or a weekly list of cards assigned to you, or maybe even a monthly email with the names of cards in your Done list.

trello formatting help

Reports pull card data on a schedule, and they can be formatted to include the content, styling, and layout you desire on whatever schedule you need. A few months ago, Reports rolled out as an option within Butler.

Trello formatting help